During my time at LEAP I was responsible for the development and best coding practices of the Marketing department websites. I created a very solid base line that we were able to grow and expand upon. We implemented BEM naming convention for code elements (Block-Element-Modifier). This helped the other developers to share code and also know how to pick up and work on projects across different country time zones. I was also responsible for SEO, Analytics reports, and ensuring the websites were active and converting new leads for the sales team.
These websites included but were not limited to
One of the design methodologies I find increasing is the brutal design method as it cuts right to the heart of what a website should do, and this is function and allows the end user to get the information they want quickly and easily.
The brutal design method (though ugly) can be improved with good design and helps when thinking about things such as AMP development for mobiles.
Good design and good UI/UX are important. They go hand and hand if your website does not contain a good user experience its very hard to say that it is also good design. I personally like simple minimal and easy to use websites. I feel the content should be the thing that speaks and the design and structure of the website should help the content to speak in a clear voice.
Data and SEO are important, weather you like to admit it or not google is the most used search engine in the world, if people are not able to find you on google its not a good place to be.
Also once they find you it's important to know what and where they are going on your website. Is the website converting or is the website leaking? My extensive experience in these areas allows me to implement the correct tools to get the job done and show you where there are potential threats. It also allows people to see potential weak points of their website and hopefully helps to make this function more effectively.
Email is still a relevant platform. It is important to know if your emails are opened and where they could potentially be not converting. This can and does come down to the subject line you are using to attract new or current business.
The way your brand looks to the public is important, your brand can appear and be taken on in a lot of ways you may not expect, however it is important that the message you are giving across to your target market is consistent.
A logo can be an extension of your ideals and values, it is nice to ensure it represents your company and does not take away from the core values you have set.
With Social media you want to use images and messages that hopefully create engagement and trust in what you are doing.
Digital Design is an artform, its important how the text plays on an image and how an image looks with a font face, for example the use of comic sans that is pretty much a no go zone!
Social media when used correctly can be a very powerful tool. As well as web design and development, good digital design helps you on the social media platforms, such as twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
I enjoy to edit photos and have been very lucky to meet some great photographers during the process. While at QVC I was able to attend the photography shoots and help direct how the model could stand and be placed in the photo. I enjoy editing all photos and also while I am an amateur photographer it is nice to be able to help bring others works to life.
I also have had a number of photos taken with models wearing my own design on shirts I have made and printed myself. The results were and are very pleasing and I am happy to share more with people on request.
During my own self guided projects I have started to really really enjoy pixel art. Some of my creations are probably best left to be seen on request as they are very fantasy based.
However, I also do other forms of art, and enjoy the process of making something that I myself would like to see in my own home or maybe as future street art.